Aloha & Welcome to Angel Qi Gong! Please read this page very carefully. Listen to all the audio files below before you begin this most powerful practice. Listening to the audios will provide you with the exact instructions you need to get the most from this deeply healing practice and remember …
…furthermore we have only to follow the thread of the hero-path. And where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.
Joseph Campbell Hero with a Thousand Faces
In order to accomplish this we need power. Soul power to be precise. This power exists within us and is our sovereign Self; however it needs to be reclaimed. This great movement within us is The Heroes Journey and in order to accomplish this journey successfully we need practice.
The only way to gracefully navigate the troubled waters of this current human epoch is to have a regular (daily or multiple times daily) VERY effective spiritual practice which incorporates sitting, standing and moving elements.
Without being anchored in the most effective daily practices we are awash in stormy times. Even those with a solid practice are being buffeted by huge elemental changes shifting in their lives.
The journey of Life is the mystery of becoming who we truly are. Life is not what it seems and so many of us are awakening rudely from a perception of reality that was utterly false and ego based.
The old paradigm based world of corporate greed, consumerism, violence, division and economic growth no matter what the cost to nature or humanity, is breaking down fast and unless we want to get caught up with it we need to shift out of coherence with the low vibration, very negatively charged matrix which is its energy-field.
Spiritual warriors are the agents of change within the matrix itself. No matter how toxic, challenging or disharmonious the world appears there is another reality experience available to you IF you can access it. To accomplish this task is the quest and life purpose of the spiritual warrior.
The secret to getting the best out of Life and of Oneself is through the regular practice of effective internal techniques which allow one to access natural internal resources. Know Thyself is an ancient maxim which is as relevant today as it ever was. Self knowing is supported by study, enhanced through loving service, super charged by prayer but is founded upon practice
Gifted to me in my 9th year of standing still practicing one single Qi Gong posture called Wu Chi I was blessed with the complete download of the Angel Qi Gong system in perfect clarity over 3 mystical breaths
- On the frequency of Angels
- With the power of Love
- Cleansing the channel, in the beauty of tenderness, in the grace of prayer and forgiveness in the ancestral realm
- Super charging with the animal spirits
- Focused in the consciousness of Eternity
- Grounding through the elements
- With the mystique of the shaman
- Radiating powerful blessings into our world
What is Angel Qi Gong
Angel Qi Gong is a complete soul cleansing system downloaded directly into my neural synapse in my 9th year of practicing Qi Gong. For 3 years I have been incubating and integrating the system. Teaching it to a select group of individuals.
What the practice involves is a clearing of the ancestral matrix whilst standing in the most powerful and easiest posture in Qi Gong (or Chi Kung).
Once this grounding has been achieved one has access to Cosmic Consciousness. This energy is then circulated through the various energy matrices of your auric field. These matrices are subtle complexes which exist in the energy field permeating the physical body. Literally the effulgence of the indwelling spiritual being or soul. This field has within it layers of invisible vibrational history, literally the memory of the soul. The agony of the ancestors and the struggle of humanity, the pain of woman and the anguish of mother nature all reside in the vibrational content of this internal auric field.
There is however a deeper field in the seed of the soul. An original, eternal field which has no discordant recordings in it at all. Absolutely pure, this is the souls eternal home. The Heroes Journey is the movement of consciousness within the psyche as we shift our sense of self away from the egocentric hypnosis of the physical body and the material world into the deeper regions of ourselves. This is the true Promised Land wherein exist states of consciousness and vibration which are unrelated to the normal waking states of consciousness and the vibrations of the modern world
With enough practice we can, quite literally, attune ourselves to a Holy Presence and be nourished absolutely on every level of our being and through every facet of our lives. This is a wonderful thing and something for which the soul yearns. It brings magic and synchronicity, ease and grace into our lives.
Most importantly it empowers us as living conduits of the new paradigm. This is exactly what the world needs – actual living human expressions of higher levels of consciousness and cleansed ancestral vibrations in the soul. This is the means by which the world is transformed.
These archetypal orientations of your full body does something very wonderful. It connects your full body DNA to the cosmological possibility of this moment. Humanity is at a tremendous point in its evolution. We are on the absolute precipice of shocking possibility. We are either experiencing the most amazing wonder filled life ever or we are heading to our doom. This is a very private choice we are invited to make consciously. Most folks are doing it unconsciously.
Angel Qi Gong then is a means of “combing” through this energy field with ones’ intention calibrated in a very specific way. Please listen to the following audio files for a deeper understanding of the system
Archetypes, Mythology and Cosmology
Consciousness is the spirit of Life. This energy flows through the different aspects of the psyche like water flowing through different filters. Depending upon the cleanliness and orientation of the filters defines the purity of the water. Same things with consciousness.
Consciousness flows from a Source beyond the realm of the psyche. Within the psyche are certain arenas or filters which are as old as the story of humanity.
Archetypes and mythological images are invisible patterns imprinted into the fabric of our psyches through which consciousness flows. By aligning our awareness and attitude with these ancient images we are able to orient our psyches in a very powerful way. By embracing realms of the soul which normally are completely ignored we are able to open up to vast arenas of our own personal cosmology. There is an internal cosmos. The stars within it are tiny individuated points of consciousness – the souls of our ancestral lineage. As we radiate blessings and love into this realm and cleanse it of all vibrational distortions the full power of our soul matrix potential begins to be released. This is a tremendous boon for ourselves, our family and humanity.
Angel Qi Gong – The Poetry