Wisdom + Practice = Freedom
Einstein once said that problems cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness from which they were created. Therefore if we sincerely wish to overcome the challenges we are facing individually and collectively we need to access the higher levels of consciousness within us
Contemplation and consideration of alternative perspectives is one thing and I offer you here in this video below a synopsis of some key universal themes. These themes are expanded upon in the audio book Amazing Grace (also available in this Awakening section of my website). Please feel free to download the audio book and continue to immerse yourself in uplifting and inspiring information
Truth is a living energy. It is when we take the contemplation of wisdom into a dynamic practice that we become the full embodiment of its energy potential. If you wish to accelerate your own personal transformation then add the practice of Angel Qi Gong to the equation and you have the most powerful ingredients I am aware of to fully activate your personal greatness
Enjoy in joy