Freedom and Peace
The Experience You Have Been Waiting For
The unique challenge of the times is often misunderstood. Circumstances surrounding us in the world today and deep movements within are requiring us all to ask the deeper questions in life and face an eternal truth too often ignored and even denied.
I offer a variety of life coaching success consultancy, soul based (sub-conscious and unconscious) deep personal healing and Gene keys readings all tailored to your unique specific needs and circumstances. (Read More Here and Book a Consultancy Now)
Never Mistake Outward Experience for Reality – Huang Po
As human life is challenged in every facet of civilization we are being called to question our very identity and to re-define success in the most fundamental way:
- How do I truly fulfill my destiny and deliver the authentic gift of myself into this world?
- How do I heal the deep core wounds within me?
- How do I adapt more and more masterfully to the increasing stress and chaos of the modern world in utter transformation?
- What does it actually mean to be a spiritual being having a human experience? How do I access the Infinite Love within me? And how do I bring it into the world in order to fulfill my destiny in a meaningful and practical way?
- Why is inner peace my most potent and powerful resource?
- If the world is truly an illusion then how come it hurts so much and what can I do about that?
- What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world?
- If life is a living hologram reflecting our inner nature then what do I need to shift on the inside to affect the world in the most positive way?
- Why am I stuck in constantly repeating patterns of habit and thought and I how do I live in the peace I yearn?
- What does it mean to die before you die?
- And what truly is the Heros’ path and how can I live it and most importantly how can I do that in a practically successful and sustainable way?
- Am I living in a Matrix and if so how do I free myself within it?
- How do I live the life of my dreams?
- How do I find the fulfillment and love through the harmonious relationship for which I yearn?
Answer these questions and experience the freedom and peace for which you were born. (Click here to find out more)
It takes tremendous courage and discipline to follow the path in life which brings you absolute peace. It also requires wisdom and knowledge, knowledge of things not taught in conventional schools of learning.
Perhaps the most aggressively policed, jealously guarded commodity in life is that of true knowledge, especially knowledge of Self. Is it possible that there exists within the very fabric of Life itself an inexhaustible natural resource so potent that once tapped and imbibed ones life is utterly transformed?
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways – Psalm 91
Is it possible that the whole game of Life is to connect absolutely and seamlessly with the very spirit of its Nature, the very energy which pervades and surrounds every form and thing? And is it possible that out of this synergy, this Oneness of being, irresistible waves of Grace and synchronicity are formed and that we can, like soul surfers, ride these waves toward a destiny that somehow we have been undeniably called?
And is it possible that the modern world, standing as it does, in all of its destructive glory, presents exactly the monstrous challenge, perfectly engineered to call forth qualities of sleeping greatness that lie beneath the fragile veneer of the egos false and trembling façade?
Experience the freedom and peace for which you truly yearn in a personal session with me. (Click here for booking and more info)
Transformation is upon us all. We cannot opt out but we can choose to navigate the fast flowing currents of the river of life in a consciously empowered way. If we know how.
We all face challenges in life. Challenges are a natural and necessary part of growing. There is no genuine, authentic evolution of consciousness without challenge. The challenges, we all face today in the modern world, are fast assuming the appearance of overwhelming and impossible to meet proportions.
The immense difficulties and trials humanity is facing today and the shocking revelations of the powers of darkness active in the world are throwing down the gauntlet in front of us all. The big question is, will you pick it up?
Rather than waste time in our petty judgments and political debates we should see the immense opportunity which is presenting itself here for in order for us to demonstrate our true greatness we need an impossible puzzle to solve. In order for us to shine with our true brightness, we need an equivalent amount of darkness in which to blaze. In order for us to demonstrate our true strength we need an impossible foe to wrestle and in order to express the power of Love that we are, we need an unforgivable wound to forgive.
Life is not a little game. It is a big one. Life is not a cheap, soap opera sit-com, it is a soul shuddering epic event. You are being called to face your personal challenges and we are being called to face our collective challenges together for the raising of the consciousness of the world. In the same spirit that David met Goliath, Jesus met the cross, Skywalker met Vadar and Avatar defeated the machine, we must, like Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurushetra, wipe the tears of ignorance from our eyes and see the world for what it truly is. Like reluctant Hobbits facing the hordes of Mordor we are looking for the savior in someone else but all these challenges, unbeknown to so many, are initiations of consciousness, for the benefit of soul.