Healing begins and ends with inner peace. Without a deep genuine sense of inner peace there is no authentic healing. Symptoms may seem to disappear but the root of all disease is a sickness within the soul.
Inner peace is actually our true inner nature. Healing therefore is the journey within to reclaim our inner nature.
The persona which is the sense of self-based exclusively on body consciousness is the false sense of self. We call this false sense of self ego. The ego is the identity we claim when we look in the mirror and say “I am….”. The ego body conscious persona is a temporary form bound to dissolve sooner rather than later. All of our internal problems in life – our fears, hang ups, complexes, issues, frustrations etc can be traced back to this false sense of self and the stories and beliefs which go with the false sense of self.
These stories run soul deep and it is by releasing their patterns we can enjoy a deep abiding sense of peace. These patterns are archetypes, mythology and cosmology.
Rather than try and improve or fix these problems the secret to real genuine healing is to drop this false I and identify with the real I. This is as easy as breathing and just requires practice. The reason why it requires practice is because the false sense of self has been habitually conditioned into human nature over millennia. Our body, mind and soul is deeply embedded with the residual effect of the vibrations of repetitive thoughts words feelings and actions all based on body conscious sense of self
If we honestly look at the world. This physical sense of self with its fear of survival and constant need for amusement and food is reinforced and encouraged globally. All societies are survival based and the emotional charge is the glue which keeps consciousness stuck in the constant repetitive patterns.
Releasing the story which goes with body consciousness is a pre-requisite to healing and freedom. The less emotionally invested we are in all forms of human drama including and especially our own stories the easier it becomes to escape the magnetic and hypnotic grip of the matrix.
Rather than striving to be somebody and leave an impression on the world around us we are better advised to tread extremely lightly and adopt a sacred secret and silent approach to being in this world. As spiritual beings we have descended far too deep into density and this is the foundation of all our suffering. The ego has an alien agenda. This agenda is utterly foreign to the spirit. Once the sense of self has become sufficiently enchanted by the pull of materialism a toxic outcome awaits.
A huge deception has been engineered and injected into the Matrix which forms the geometry and boundaries of the ego consciousness world. The foundation lie which shackles consciousness to the bondage of being stuck in this sticky web is based on body consciousness and the false notion that I am is the body itself. It is not enough to philosophically contemplate that I am is actually consciousness which projects the body form. We must actually dissociate within ourselves from this complex entanglement. This is the spiritual path. The journey in its essence.