Self discovery, personal empowerment, spiritual freedom, illumination, vitality and turning yourself ON all occurs best in a supremely supportive pristine natural environment.
The basis of all my work is founded upon the recognition and reclamation of our inner nature. Within us all, deep down inside, beneath layers of programming and conditioning exists a pristine version of oneself.
The natural world, mother nature, provides the perfect womb for the re-birthing of our inner self and the ultimate environment for experiencing the becoming of the natural empowered human.
Personal empowerment, spiritual freedom is an inside job; a natural process enhanced by pristine beauty and supported by a very natural environment. The modern technological world produces a complex vibratory atmosphere and unnatural environment which generates a distortion in the human electromagnetic energy field. Retreating into the peace and sanctuary of nature, immersing oneself in the nature frequency is a major support strategy in the human evolutionary process.
The modern world today provides information overload and a toxic amalgam of distortion frequencies which disturb the natural organisation of our energy fields and central nervous system and deny us an authentic feeling of what it is to be authentically human and truly alive.
As we return to nature, relax, unwind and release the distortion frequencies the body has absorbed we feel relief and a deeper sense of well being and peace. However when we combine this environment with focus and contemplation on simple potent essential spiritual Truth we are able to experience the transformation and activation of our innate inner nature.
Within us all, beyond the physical body and the ego conscious mind, deep within the psyche/soul is the perfect spirit of humanity. The spiritual journey is the return to this inner being.
As spiritual beings with a highly attuned feeling nature we are designed to directly absorb, process and integrate energy via the aura, central nervous system, meridians etc. This is a natural process designed to feel good. The modern high tech world provides information overload which overwhelms the conscious mind and generates an impossible challenge to digest the information and integrate it as spiritual nourishment, life force, vitality, feel good power etc.
The freedom and peace we are yearning for can only be experienced as we bypass the mental processes and provide the inner being with a direct connection.
Join me for this wonderful adventure in Self discovery as together we allow the unfolding of perfection from deep within.