Empowered Relating and Conscious Intimacy
Couples empowerment and preparation for meeting another in true love require the ability to live from depth. Below are some pointers. I facilitate empowerment sessions for you as an individual and you both as a couple. Check out below and deepen your connection.
Human connection is something we all need, love and yearn for. It is the foundation of being human. Connection. Sharing. Togetherness. Friendship. Community. Relationship. Healthy relating in every form is foundational to health and happiness, without it a part of us dies.
Success in every aspect of relating – personal, inter personal, social, professional, platonic, sensual, sexual and Divine has its foundation on ONE SINGLE THING ~
Relationship with ones own Source energy
My work is based on the deepening of this relationship within yourself.
Imagine if you will a triangle. The three points of the triangle represent you, me and Divinity. Now imagine the triangle is inverted with the God point at the bottom. The whole secret to empowered relating is to maintain awareness of the deep focal point within you. It is when we forget this point we feel empty, disconnected, unfulfilled etc and begin reaching across from a superficial sense of self projecting, judging, expecting and demanding from neediness. We cannot heal any of our perceived wounds etc without re-establishing this deeper sense of self, the foundation point of the triangle of successful relating.
In my Empowered Relating and Conscious Intimacy sessions we explore this “ultimate Love triangle” in a variety of ways. Here is a sample of a basic session.
- Guided meditation to connect with Source energy point deep within
- Eyes closed
- Eyes open
- Dance – maintaining connection with Source energy point deep within
- Eyes open – eye to eye connect
- Eyes closed
- Guided Meditation – seeing/feeling through the eyes of Divinity
- Connection – relating from a deeper sense of self
- Touch – exploring non invasive closeness
Empowered Relating and Conscious Intimacy – Recognising wounds, patterns, stories and the ego construct
All wounds exist in the superficial levels of self. Our Divine or deeper Self is wound free and is not trapped in stories and patterns. The real secret to freedom and peace is to deepen ones sense of Self. When we do this together and use relating as a sacred container for healing it amplifies the healing process exponentially. There is no more challenging arena than our closest relationships to test our ability to stay deeply centred in the ground of our spiritual being.
This is the true purpose, meaning and path of White Tantra. Distinct from red tantra which is sex focused and black tantra which is power focused, the white tantric path is rooted deeply in the innocence and purity of the Divinity, our eternal nature and intrinsic self.
Moving through the layers
Enlightenment, standing in ones power and embracing the deeper, authentic I is a choice. As we make this choice over and over, breath by breath, thought by thought, hour by hour, day by day we release our attachment to our own ego. This in turn releases the psycho emotional content bound up in the memories and stories, beliefs, conditioning and programming inherent to the ego construct and embedded in the cellular structure.
As human beings we experience this as the process of profound growth. This process can be completely overwhelming and is most effectively assisted by minimal mental highly conscious, maximal feeling strategies.
The 9 Stages of establishing genuine freedom and peace
- Honesty – who am I?
- Dropping the story – releasing emotional charge through the layers
- Recognition – sharing highly conscious togetherness
- Touch – exploring non invasive closeness
- Moving through the layers
- Embracing deep wounds with the higher consciousness awareness of the authentic Self – rape etc
- Releasing rage, anger, frustration etc safely and consciously
- Embracing “red energy” – trampled warriors and emasculated men
- Sensuality and sexuality – managing sexual energy – following the attraction, transmuting the energy, maintaining the focus in deeper Self
Book your session here
Healing The Sacral – Bringing Divinity into The 2nd Chakra
The Pure Tantric Path
There is a tremendous amount of human energy focused on the sacral center. The epicenter of survival, sexuality, food, money, power ~ the health of this center has tremendous significance in not only our experience of life currently but also what we attract and how our very destiny unfolds. The main reason for this is the sensual survival center is absolutely feeding into our emotions. If we have sub conscious or unconscious repressed, suppressed, unresolved toxicity in the emotional body then this center will be out of balance and we will be experiencing survival fears and insatiable appetites for substance (food), sex and sensuality. There is a dark side to this center, being as it is the gateway to the astral plane via the astral (emotional body) and that is that the parasitic entities that inhabit the lower astral realms have access to this world through this center.
Modern Tantra has done a great deal towards distorting this human connection with the lower astral realm. The unique alchemy of unresolved sexual trauma, promiscuity, drugs and/or entheogens unceremoniously consumed, emotional catharsis/hysteria and the willing invocation and invitation of disincarnate entities via “channeling” etc into this world has done much to generate chaos in the emotional body and the sacral center.
Red and Black Tantra with their emphasis on sex and “me” – I am doing this to get – power, money, pleasure etc are all forms of sex magic and have nothing to do with the genuine Tantric path and are very often subtle and not so subtle ways of feeding lower astral entities hooked into the sacral center. This is not a theory. I have witnessed this phenomena on multiple occasions and am constantly supporting the transmutation of these energy dynamics in my clients. One cannot help but recognize in the vast majority of tantric teachers and enthusiasts that there are major unresolved 2nd Chakra issues and that something in the lower astral is being fed. The obvious symptoms of this is a subtle but definite sticky dark shadow which accompanies the individual and/or addiction to appetite and sexual or sensual over indulgence.
Red and Black Tantra attempt to raise sexual energy into the higher centers for specific purposes and intentions. A purer approach to Tantra is to focus on the shifting of the sense of self away from the ego centers and into ones Divinity. As one relates to oneself, life and another from this Divine sense of self the sacral dominance is disengaged and any and all connectivity with lowers astral entities is energetically removed.
As one establishes an experience of oneself in an eternal sense of self and the timelessness and patience which this yields, a sense of timelessness pervades and this provides an altogether different higher more pure experience of what it means to be human. All healing can occur within this space. Einstein said we cannot solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it. In other words we cannot heal the sacral by living in the sacral. The higher centers have to be activated and the actual center of identity the very core experience of who I am needs must shift away from the ego survival lower astral center into heart and higher consciousness. The resulting expansive seamless peace filled experience of oneself is actually desireless and we can experience the pure joy of freedom and peace and liberate the eternally youthful innocent child within and approach our relationships with the refreshing fragrance of innocence and light -heartedness.