Man is a moving being. If he does not move to what is good, he will surely move to that what is not ~ The Demon’s Sermon on the Martial Arts
The following audio files provide the foundational principles my work is based upon. Please take the time to listen very carefully to each audio file and make notes. Please ensure you understand what I am sharing with you before moving on to the next audio or step in the process.
Remember truth is a living energy. Words cannot express absolute truth but they can help you to shift your awareness and attitude into a higher degree of receptivity. As you become more attuned to the living currents of the living Truth of life you will experience a deeper sense of freedom and peace.
It is this freedom and peace for which your spirit yearns.
“..and the Truth shall set you free” Jesus
Understanding Life – Words of Wisdom from Nick
- What is going on? Understanding the context of Life. Who am I?
2. The Prison and how to escape it with the Alchemy of Consciousness
3. Fear and The Hacking of Human Consciousness mp3
4. The Wonders of Life and The Wonder of You
5. The Ego Trap ~ the bird in the cage
6. Practice makes Perfect
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As mental illness, emotional instability and overwhelm, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia and depression reach epidemic levels the disease of the human soul is being made fully manifest for us to do something about it.
There is no anti-depressant that will cure a depression that’s spiritually based, for the malaise doesn’t originate from brain dysfunction, but from an accurate response to the desecration of life ~ Dr. David Hawkins Power vs. Force
To be very clear about the purpose of my work – it is to free the spirit of Love that you are by dissolving the fear based ego discordance in your psyche/soul.
Love is a state of consciousness. It is our inner nature. In action or resting love brings blessings, peace, healing, gratitude and goodness to the world.
Once this harmonic is achieved Life responds in the most wonderful ways. States of consciousness, levels of peace, illumination, clarity, confidence, genuine success and a capacity to love like never before await those of us who dare to shine the light of awareness within and restore troubled soul waters to their pristine primal magnificence.
What the soul is after is the highest feeling of love imaginable. This is the soul’s desire. This is its purpose. The soul is after the feeling. Not the knowledge but the feeling. It already has the knowledge but knowledge is conceptual. Feeling is experiential. The soul wants to feel itself and thus to know itself in its own experience. The highest feeling is the experience of unity with All That Is. This is the great return to Truth for which the soul yearns. This is the feeling of perfect love.
~ Neale Donald Walsch. Conversations with God.
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This embodiment of simple, silent, innocent, compassionate beingness, is the greatest gift we can offer the world. It is the quintessential mythological goal of the hero’s journey. The Hero returns dripping with a living boon, Jason with the Golden Fleece, Galahad with the Grail, Theseus with the head of the Minotaur, Arthur with Excalibur, David with the head of Goliath, Jesus shining Perfect Love—all of these mythological metaphors convey the same eternal truth..
The Spirit of Love that you are is discovered through compassion. As you radiate compassion within, toward oneself and without towards the world, One aligns with the keynote and essence of Life in an undeniable harmonic manifesting as a better version of YOU.
Never mistake outward appearance for reality ~ Huang Po
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In the modern world today we are challenged to navigate a never before experienced cocktail of overwhelming complexity. On the surface level of human affairs an extraordinary fusion of socio-political and environmental challenges are facing us all.
Mountains of books, millions of words, teacher upon teacher, guru upon guru, factory production lines of “life coaches” and tens of millions of you tube videos, all contribute simultaneously to a cacophony of noise, accompanying the birth of a new era of humanity.
In a techno world of information overload we are being challenged to make sense of it all, finding purpose and meaning, direction and peace, as we strive to live our hopes and dreams against a backdrop of soul shuddering news, revelation, proclamation, prophecy, political evil, cosmic possibility and an emotionally charged human drama which has reached a crescendo of unbridled insanity.
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. –
Carl Gustav Jung (German Psychologist)
Most people do not see, understand, or care very much about this catastrophe of the planet because they are overwhelmingly preoccupied with grave psychological problems. The environmental crisis is rooted in the psychological crisis of the modern individual. This makes the search for an eco-psychology crucial; we must understand better what terrible thing is happening to the modern human mind, why it is happening, and what can be done about it
Glenn Parton (The Machine in our Heads)
Unimaginable astrological and cosmological forces are impacting us all. Massive chunks of karmic soul content, whether we like it or not or believe it or not, are being driven through the human psyche for reconciling and integrating as we are all being forced to witness our individual and collective unconscious shadow.
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Who Are You?
You are a child of Life. A spiritual being, a wave of infinite possibility flowing through a soul. This soul is infected by the virus of an alien program. It is the program recorded in our history of war, toxicity, violence and the desecration of life.
The vibrations of this history, the noise, are embedded, recorded, impressed into the ultra sensitive invisible membrane of the psyche/soul. Within the conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious levels of mind are stored vibrational thought forms, belief systems, complexes, neuroses , archetypes and much more. All the ancestral karmic content from your soul matrix exists here and beyond that the collective consciousness of humanity itself.
Within all of that an Infinite Light doth shine. The Spirit of Love Itself. In order to enjoy the magnificence of your highest potential as a human being. All that needs to be done is to cleanse the psyche/soul, emotional mind complex. This is an inside job. The speed of which this is attained is decreed by the degree of compassion/mercy you can extend toward yourself and all the world.
The soul is the container for your spirit to shine through. Flowing like an infinite wave Spirit illuminates soul content and automatically projects form into the world. The form is our human selves. Like a spinning kaleidoscope an alchemy and geometry define the nature of our human ego and walk.
If you want to take hold of the reins of your life then you need to master your breath and imagination and dissolve all the negativity running in the programs which are embedded in the software of the psyche/soul.
In the book of John in the Bible we are told that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Later we are told that the word is the Light of the world and the Light which illuminates ALL men (mankind.humanity). We are also reminded by the Bible that God is Love.
Here we have the foundational Truth that ALL the great teachers have based their teachings upon. That the Spirit of Life is actually within us. The Bible also confirms that the kingdom of heaven is within us too.
This Light, the essence of Life is within the soul. If we want to enjoy the experience of living from that place then we need to live from depth. The ego wants us to live superficially and focus exclusively on body consciousness and feeding the emotional needs of the complexes stored in the soul. These complexes are either inherited or conditioned into the soul – psyche.
I have designed various strategies, all available here on this website, which allow us to dissolve the discordance we feel within us leaving only the clarity and peace of our underlying original nature – our spiritual essence – the spirit of Life itself.
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