Life is not a little game. It is a big one. Life is not a cheap, soap opera sit-com, it is a soul shuddering epic event. You are being called to face your personal challenges and we are being called to face our collective challenges together for the raising of the consciousness of the world. In the same spirit that David met Goliath, Jesus met the cross, Skywalker met Vader and Avatar defeated the machine, we must, like Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurushetra, wipe the tears of ignorance from our eyes and see the world for what it truly is. Like reluctant Hobbits facing the hordes of Mordor we are looking for the savior in someone else but all these challenges, unbeknownst to so many, are initiations of consciousness, for the benefit of soul.
We all face challenges in life. Challenges are a natural and necessary part of growing. There is no genuine, authentic evolution of consciousness without challenge. The challenges we all face today in the modern world are fast assuming the appearance of overwhelming and impossible to meet proportions.
Rather than waste time in our petty judgments and political debates we should see the immense opportunity which is presenting itself here for in order for us to demonstrate our true greatness we need an impossible puzzle to solve. In order for us to shine with our true brightness, we need an equivalent amount of darkness in which to blaze. In order for us to demonstrate our true strength we need an impossible foe to wrestle and in order to express the power of Love that we are, we need an unforgivable wound to forgive.
The immense difficulties and trials humanity is facing today and the shocking revelations of the powers of darkness active in the world are throwing down the gauntlet in front of us all. The big question is, will you pick it up?
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“Your quest is to discover that flesh and bone do not bind you; you are actually the embodiment of love; and you are reduced by nothing unless you give it consent to bind you. Each soul is an unlimited presence of freedom and endless possibility. Your whole body, in every dimension, is nothing more than your soul in manifest form. Break the chains of your judgment and your limiting beliefs, and you break the chains of your body as well. The path that I have given you does not take you toward something or away from something. It is both a practical and mystical path of moving through the infinity of your own true being. This is your path of freedom. This is ‘The Way’.”
“The Keys of Jeshua” by Glenda Green, Chapter 24, p. 335
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