The human body is a great mystery. All the karma of the soul is being experienced by the body.
Our genetics contain all the ancestral karma.
The genetics are simply the residual vibrations of all the thought, word, feeling and action our ancestors have experienced. These vibrational patterns are locked in the DNA. To a very large degree they define our lives. The way we instinctively think, speak, feel and act is dominated by the programming and conditioning hardwired into our cells.
On top of this deep conditioning exist layers upon layers of vibrations generated by ourselves. Most of these patterns are established before we are 7 years old. Compounding all of this are the traumas we have experienced along the way.
There is nothing more sensitive than consciousness. Nothing more exquisitely tender and receptive than your soul.
By providing a safe environment within which to relax and surrender and using conscious touch, deep massage, breath and prayer the body is capable of releasing so much in deep relaxation.
The Spirit of Love we are is designed to flow from within us all. When we dissolve the patterns of disharmony within ourselves Love can flow. This is a deeply healing experience containing immense beauty and peace.
1.5 hours $200 (Or donation by prior arrangement)